Usage Policy

Non-commercial usage of SPUTNIK videos (Sputnik Entertainment Inc. and Sputnik Observatory) should follow the terms of our specific Creative Commons license Attribution - NonCommercial - NonDerivative (BY-NC-ND) and the guidelines that are listed below, which may be updated from time to time.

If you are a for-profit company seeking to license SPUTNIK videos or if you’d like to create a television series, original editorial program or other service offering, or if you'd like to use SPUTNIK videos in a corporate context, please contact us at

Are SPUTNIK videos copyrighted?

Yes, they are. Creative Commons licensing doesn’t replace copyright—which remains undivided with Sputnik Observatory, a non-profit organization.

What does SPUTNIK Creative Commons license allow?

We make SPUTNIK videos available under the Creative Commons license “Attribution-NonCommerical-NonDerrivative” in order to allow non-commercial entities (like bloggers, educators and groups of friends) to use them freely and easily. Important restrictions apply, though, particularly for corporations. SPUTNIK’s Creative Commons license allows you to display SPUTNIK videos under the following conditions:

  • Attribution (BY): You must explicitly reference SPUTNIK as the original source of the materials, and Sputnik Observatory’s logo within the videos and visuals as well as those of any sponsors remain untouched and unedited.

  • NonCommercial (NC): You can't use SPUTNIK videos (or any parts of them) for commercial purposes.

  • NonDerivative (ND): You cannot alter the videos in any way. This means you cannot edit, remix, cut, shorten, add overlays to them, or, well, alter them in any way.

These conditions can be modified only by explicit permission of Sputnik Entertainment Inc. and Sputnik Observatory. (“SPUTNIK”)  

Does the same go for You Tube?

Sputnik videos on are made available under YouTube's standard policy, not Creative Commons.

Can I repost or republish SPUTNIK videos on my site or blog?

Yes, as long as you meet the Creative Commons guidelines above and follow the guidelines below:

Type of site/company: Bloggers, news/information websites and nonprofits (by which we mean: registered 501(c)3 organizations in the United States, and the equivalent in all other countries), may make SPUTNIK videos available under a Creative Commons (CC) license, provided that they follow the rest of the guidelines on this page.

  • Video player: You must use the VIMEO embeddable player or the SPUTNIK OBSERVATORY embeddable player featured on This allows us to further our overall mission by tracking video usage. Scraping video from is not permitted.

  • Attribution: You must add a visible link back to Sputnik

  • Running talks in their entirety: You may not edit SPUTNIK videos, or alter them in any way. This is essential for preserving the integrity of the speaker's ideas.

Can I use SPUTNIK videos on an Internet video platform?

If one or more of the categories listed below characterizes your company's business, please contact us at

  • Internet Video Service

  • Cable, Satellite or Telecommunication Operator

  • Television or Radio Broadcaster

  • Audio Service

  • Specialized Cable/Satellite Channel

  • Home Entertainment Device

  • IPTV Service and Set Top Box Manufacturer

  • Mobile and Tablet Manufacturer

  • Web Browser Applications and Stores

  • Subscription-Based Educational Service

  • Corporate Education and Professional Development Provider

  • In-flight, Hospitality or Hotel Entertainment Provider

  • Other Commercial Entity

Can I project SPUTNIK video to a group of people?

Yes, as long as you comply with the terms of the Creative Commons license outlined above. In fact, we encourage you to find creative ways to share SPUTNIK videos with your friends, family, students, colleagues, and communities.

Can I show SPUTNIK videos during my conference?

Yes, as long as it's within the scope of a non-commercial event, and as long as you comply with the terms of the Creative Commons license outlined above. In particular, the videos must be shown unedited, including the SPUTNIK OBSERVATORY visuals and if applicable those of the partners, as well as the copyright information. If you wish to use SPUTNIK videos in a commercial context, please contact us with a motivated request for permission.

Can I re-edit and remix SPUTNIK videos?

No. Our Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license clearly states that "derivative works" of any kind (edits, cuts, re-mixes, mashups, etc.) are not allowed without explicit permission from SPUTNIK and the expert thinker profiled.

Can I use SPUTNIK video on a television channel?

If you are a public or private broadcaster or cable network and wish to create a television series based on SPUTNIK videos, please contact us at  

Can I use SPUTNIK video in my documentary?

Requests for use within a documentary should be submitted to

How do I request a logo from SPUTNIK OBSERVATORY?

Image logo requests should be submitted to The request should be accompanied by the following information:

  1. Name of publication/outlet

  2. Name of requested image

  3. Publication date

  4. Preferred file format

  5. Deadline for receipt of image